Friday, August 3, 2012


As Time passes my heart seems to melt awaythe tender moments that we have
Seem like fantasies, silhouettes of what should be real.
You have mewholeheartedly; a love so surprising it startled me,
Hoping the right thing is to eventually make you a part of me.
The first time I’ve ever been outspokenyour gaze in which Im amazed,
Leaves me vulnerable and open. Knowing you can mend that which was once broken.
And we can lead each other away as time passes through timeline after lineheavy breathing and feeling your heart beat the same rhythm as mine.
Let me hear your voice calling mebetter yet, let me sense your soul yearn for me
As I feel your body burn for meBabyI look into your eyes and see eternity.
Love is so simple if you just let love go,
So I put my trust in you, anticipating what love might do.
A sensation of wonderthe only term to describeas I lay there beside you
And we watch the sun rise.
Let me leave you with a thought, maybe the simplest plan,
Give me a chance to comfort you and make life that grand.
We can stand at the doorway where faith won’t land,
 And I can be that love, that life, that man.


  1. That is beautiful, and describes the indescribable somehow.

  2. I can see this girl is very special to you, The way you allude that the two of you are connected in a very deep, unending way. I hope you held onto her. :)
